Hannah and Grace now officially have little baby friends (other than each other). We joined the "Baby on my Knee" storytime group at the library (or in my case "Babies on my Knees"). So every Friday morning from 11:15 to 11:45 a group of over anxious Moms trying to (as Hepworth would say) raise "super children" gather together to have their babies listen to stories that they pay no attention to at all. The entire session consists of babies crawling around and poking each other while the Moms try to get in a precious few minutes of adult conversation. The unfortunate person in all of this is the poor librarian who is frantically trying to entertain the babies using puppets etc. I'm sure she keeps a flask of something in her desk. But of course, we'll keep going; I think I read somewhere that Albert Einstein's mother took him to Baby Storytime...