We would like to wish the BIGGEST, HAPPIEST Happy Birthday to our best friend and auntie - DEB!!! May today and everyday we filled with good things. P.S. What happens on your birthday, do we eat store bought cake? Somehow that just seems wrong!
This morning I took the girls to Lisa's house (their caregiver) for a dress rehearsal before going back to work. I anticipated them reaching for me with tear filled eyes as I walked out the door and having my "Mother's Guilt Meter" hit 100%. The reality was that they wouldn't even look away from the toys they were playing with long enough to acknowledge my goodbyes and kisses. When I got home after dropping them off, Monty greeted me at the door with bright eyes and a wagging tail...someone still loves me;)
Hannah was painting today (with a brush and everything) for the first time and here is her masterpiece! Where's Grace's you say? Do you really think I could get her to sit still long enough to paint?!
Well, it's with damp eyes and a heavy heart that I am publicly acknowledging the fact that this is my last week at home with the girls. I return to work on Monday, October 2nd. It has been both the longest and shortest year of my life. Being at home with young children (especially two, which severly limits your mobility) can be so isolating. But in the last month I've met a group of Moms in Bowmanville and we do something together every other day and the girls are so much more active now...it's almost like I'm leaving them just when they are becoming so much fun! I could use any words of advice or encouragement that you have to offer...?
The Perrin Family would like to wish a very happy birthday to our great friend Ben (the guy second from the left in the red and white jersey)! I apologize for the picture, Ben, but it is the only digital picture we have of you. We wish you all the best.
This past Saturday we held the girls 1st Birthday Party and Dedication at our house. It was quite a crowd, but everyone seemed to have a good time. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming and sharing the special day with us.
Today was Hannah and Grace's First Birthday!!! The big party is on Saturday, but we took them to the Metro Zoo to celebrate their big day! Grace reached another milestone today; she is now in a front facing car seat. We took them to the doctors yesterday for their 12 month check up and found out that Grace was 21lbs. 4oz. and 30 inches long while Hannah is 18 lbs. 8oz. and 29 1/2 inches long. What an incredible year it has been!!!!
Connectrix (Adam's business for those that don't know) now has a great new office! I took some pictures of it on the weekend, but none really do it justice so I thought I'd stick with a picture of Hannah and Grace because they are always good. Here they are sitting in their Daddy's new office.
Well, look who has legs after all. Yes, Hannah can stand. She doesn't like to, but she can do it!
Why the new look you ask? Well, on September 14th Hannah and Grace will be 1!!!!!!! Which also means that I am returning to work soon (October 2nd to be exact). I figure a new year/chapter in our lives warrants a new blog template, don't you?